Schoolfield update

Hard to believe we are wrapping up our first year in Boise already. We have been very blessed, with yet another beautiful place to live. Matt's practice is going well. He is staying busy and enjoying his work. I am working for a small subacute rehab about 2 miles from our house. Trevor loves preschool and is getting ready for the "big" montessori school (pending 100% potty training!) Check out Trevor's new shirt below for our additional news.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Trevor's new tshirt

Trevor is very proud to make the announcement that in December he will be a big brother. His shirt reads "I'm going to be a big brother"

Trevor's 1st Golf lesson!

Matt and Trevor enjoying their first golf lesson!

Time with Grandma and Grandpa Thompson

Hiking in Mccall, ID

Fun time with Grandma and Grandpa Jefferis

Hiking in the foothills