Schoolfield update

Hard to believe we are wrapping up our first year in Boise already. We have been very blessed, with yet another beautiful place to live. Matt's practice is going well. He is staying busy and enjoying his work. I am working for a small subacute rehab about 2 miles from our house. Trevor loves preschool and is getting ready for the "big" montessori school (pending 100% potty training!) Check out Trevor's new shirt below for our additional news.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Schoofield's!

We are going digital with our Christmas card this year as we are in a bit of transition! We are coming to you from Rochester, MN! We have enjoyed a fantastic 3 months in Rochester. Matt's experience with the surgeons at the hospital exceeded his expectations and Trevor and I have met some wonderful friends that we will surely miss. We have also enjoyed seeing family throughout the 3 months and playing in the snow. Although, Trevor prefers to sled inside?! Can't really blame him!

We will be returning home after celebrating Christmas with my family in SD. Matt will complete his fellowship in June. YES! That means training has come to an end! BIG CELEBRATION! Matt has been traveling to interviews and we plan to have a decision made in a month or so. We are so excited to see what the Lord has next for us.

Trevor is growing by the minute I believe. Talking none stop-we don't know who he gets that from! He will be 17 months at Christmas. Our first full year has been a blast. Loves playing ball, reading books and wrestling with daddy.

We pray this Christmas you and your family are happy, healthy and looking forward to a new year! We will be in touch with updates as to our new location. Until then, if you are planning a trip to the NW we would love to see you.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Matt, Heather and Trevor


Shelly said...

He has grown so much! He looks like such a big now that he's walking around. See you soon!

Catrina said...

Okay...I'm a blog junkie. Why did I not know you had a blog? Ha! We miss you, Heather. Looking forward to having you back "home". Trevor is such a little man now! Merry Christmas!