Schoolfield update

Hard to believe we are wrapping up our first year in Boise already. We have been very blessed, with yet another beautiful place to live. Matt's practice is going well. He is staying busy and enjoying his work. I am working for a small subacute rehab about 2 miles from our house. Trevor loves preschool and is getting ready for the "big" montessori school (pending 100% potty training!) Check out Trevor's new shirt below for our additional news.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm 6 months old!

All the things I love:
My exersaucer!

Going to the park and playing
My favorite toy to eat-thanks aunt
Tootie and family for my toy!

A swing just my size!

I love stroller rides!!! My favorie
place to take a morning snooze.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm a big boy now!

I still have a few rolls here and there!

I love to stand (with a little help!)

I can sit by myself now-although mommy usually
stays pretty close yet. I guess she doesn't trust me
yet-sometimes I still topple a bit!

This dog (they call Haley) and I have have become
good friends. She moves really fast but every now and
then she licks my hands.
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Trip to Mount Hood

"Looks like we're going skiing!"

That's me in the sled! It was really fun. I could see
out the front to keep an eye on mommy and daddy

It was so beautifully. The snow was coming down
lightly as we were snoeshoeing. It was rather warm and no
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